
  • Joe
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By this time Apple’s recipe of success it’s not a secret: The previous is the formula for the iPod, iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and AirPods. None of those products (MP3 player, smartphone, tablets, smart watch, wireless headphones) were a breakthrough from Apple. However Apple did capitalized on improving those to a point they become independent…


Amazon’s AR/VR vision

  • Joe
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It all started with the acquisition of Twitch for the cheap change of close to 1$ billion. Twitch is this platform on which people go to see other people play video games. If that sounds weird to you, just translate it in today’s term: sports channel. Because in sports, players play games. Might not seem…

stealth battle 360 video vr domination

The stealth battle for 360 video VR domination

  • Joe
  • knowledge

Virtual Reality has always been about generating virtual environments for its user. 360 Cinema has been around for decades, however VR was all about generating graphics for it. When Facebook purchase of Oculus made commercial VR a probable success, it was natural to try to put 360 video on the future Oculus platform. On the…

virtual augmented reality ar vr not

AR vs. VR? or not?

  • Joe
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Which is which? VR it’s on the mainstream, and maybe because it shares one initial (R) with AR, it tends to be confused with, as if both do the same or similar things. The only similarity between the two is that both mess up with reality, however in different ways. Maybe that’s why there’s confusion….

superiority playstation vr

The superiority of PlayStation VR

  • Joe
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Like several times before, we were volunteers for this year Montreal International Game Summit (MIGS). A great event! this event allows us to keep up to date with the latest trends within the game industry. This year the star was VR, which was all round. Minority media had a booth on which they showed their…

The business case for VR

  • Joe
  • entrepreneurship, knowledge
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VR as a concept is decades old, started to make inroads on the PCs on the 90s, never to popularized as envisioned. Then, on this decade (2010s) a crazy guy decided to make a VR headset, which in turn got the attention of a games mogul, which in turn got the attention of Facebook and…

oculus rift awesomely sick

Oculus Rift is awesomely sick!

  • Joe
  • knowledge

Each time a new technology is introduced, concerns are raised on the effect on us as human beings. When the locomotive railroads were new, many people had doubts of the effects on the human body to travel at those “fast” speeds (60 KM/h?) the new technology offered. Eventually we learned that no such thing happened….