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City Icons (our content) now available in Google Glass

Layar_Google_GlassIt’s no secret that our content is based on using the Layar AR engine. Last week Layar took one step further into Google Glass, by releasing the Layar app for Google Glass. Certainly, Layar is not the first one to do this in the AR world, Metaio and Wikitude have already made their stuff available for Google Glass. Nevertheless, is always better when more people join the party.

City Icons

One of the great beneficiaries of this move is our City Icons series. This means that if you have Google Glass and live in any of the cities we cover, now you can take advantage of this content to be used in your Glass device.

How do you use it?

Since our content is what’s called Geo layar, you need Glass to scan a QR code to make it active. To make it easier for you, just go to any of the cities, each one will now have the Google Glass QR code required. Remember all this is still on development stages, so some glitch will happen. Scan & Enjoy! 🙂 We welcome any comments.

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