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ENTER 2013 Conference recap

As I mentioned earlier, we were invited to gave a little presentation of our experience in AR on the ENTER 2013 conference, celebrated on the beautiful city of Innsbruck, Austria.

For those of you unaware of it, the ENTER conference is focused on IT on tourism, hence all presentations and keynotes are given with that optic in mind. There were many big players on the stage like Google, Facebook, Melia, etc. As well as ton of researchers showing their findings. The amount of knowledge shared was intense and the people that we have the opportunity to met, was simply incredible! While the bulk of the people who assist ENTER are from Europe, one has the chance to meet persons from around the world.

Not to let pass the parties, which were amazing!

The location, the knowledge, the networking, everything was incredible!

There were some papers presented that their results might end up in our applications, currently we are evaluating on how to proceed, we’ll let you know when it happens. I the meantime, below is our presentation given there.


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